Hi! I'm a computer science student at the University of Washington interested in backend and server-side development. My skills include:
Software Development Intern, Skyline Project
I completed my summer 2019 internship at UW's MacCoss lab in the Genome Sciences department. I developed software for the Skyline project, which is the #1 most used software in the world for building mass spectrometry methods and analyzing the resulting data. I developed a backend API to refine molecular data based on statistical methods, and implemented controls in the application's UI and command line to include the new refinement methods. Check out the Skyline webpage at skyline.ms.
Research Assistant, Digital Financial Services Research Group
I worked on backend development for a mobile financial transactions server in Python Django. Some of my tasks included creating RESTful API methods, implementing unit tests to verify API methods and internal server methods, and migrating USSD screens written in Python to Yaml to increase modularity.
Systems Specialist, UW Learning Technologies
I worked in a team of 5 managing 600 workstations and related infrastructure. I regularly created Bash and Powershell scripts to automate deployments and used project management tools such as Jira and Git.
iOS Food Finder App
I developed an iOS application that lets you take a picture of a food and shows where to find it near you. I integrated the Firebase ML Kit into my application to call the Google Vision API, and I used the Yelp Fusion API to find restaurants based on the user's location.
Photo Caption Generator
I worked on a photo caption generator with my friends for the CodeDay Hackathon. We utilized the Azure vision API to give keywords about a picture, and matched them with song lyrics scraped from the web.
Tic Tac Toe
I designed a tic tac toe game and bot using the minimax algorithm in Java, with a simple graphical user interface that I designed using Google Web Toolkit. Play it here.
Personal Portfolio Website
I created this website using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to enable mobile-compatibility and implement a scrolling webpage.
I am a senior looking for a full time role!